Community Psychiatric Support Team
Champion Healthcare Services provides an array of services delivered by community based, mobile individuals or multidisciplinary teams of professionals and trained others. This services addresses the individualized mental health needs of the client. They are directed towards adults, children, adolescents and families and will vary with respect to hours, type and intensity of services, depending on the changing needs of each individual.
The purpose of CPST services is to provide specific, measurable, and individualized services to each person served. CPST services are focused on the individual’s ability to succeed in the community; to identify and access needed services; and to show improvement in school, work and family and integration and contributions within the community.
Service Delivery Will Include
Service delivery to the person served and/or any other individual who will assist in the person’s mental health treatment.
Service delivery may be face-to-face, by telephone, and video conferencing. Service delivery may be to individuals or groups.